Hairy Crab

Hairy Crab

Hairy is the silent killer of the group! Rumor has it that their comb secretly hides a 🔪… In real life, the Hairy Crab (Pilumnus hirtellus) is a European crab often found in shallow water. It feeds on the dead flesh of decaying animals! Use this Joker Crab to even the playing field and set your opponent back a few turns!

Hairy Crab In Action:

Hairy Crab Combos

Hairy Crab
Halloween Crab


Hairy Crab
Hermit Crab

Wig Collection

Hairy Crab
Zombie Crab

Undead Barber

Hairy Crab

Pricey Catch

Hairy Crab
Pea Crab

Stolen Swag

Hairy Crab
Box Crab

Sneaky Surprise