Hairy Crab

Hairy Crab

Hairy is the silent killer of the group! Rumor has it that their comb secretly hides a 🔪… In real life, the Hairy Crab (Pilumnus hirtellus) is a European crab often found in shallow water. It feeds on the dead flesh of decaying animals! Use this Joker Crab to even the playing field and set your opponent back a few turns!

Hairy Crab In Action:

Hairy Crab Combos

Hairy Crab
Halloween Crab


Hairy Crab
Hermit Crab

Wig Collection

Hairy Crab

Pricey Catch

Hairy Crab
Pea Crab

Stolen Swag

Hairy Crab
Box Crab

Sneaky Surprise